YOUR DREAM: TO sell a holiday home to multiple owners in a smooth wayYou have spent considerable time and care to build or refurbish a property and are now ready to sell it in shares to multiple owners in a smooth and efficient way. The well-oiled transaction process that we have devised, can make your life a whole lot simpler and your property proposal more valuable, at no cost to you.
WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOUYou want to offer your interested buyers the best possible answer to their dreams, free of hassle and faults. Yet inevitably every single one of them will have the same questions and drive you into a time-consuming, repetitive process, that can be avoided. We are here to guide, and smoothen the process for you both, saving you valuable time and resources to focus on what really matters, your business.
If you recommend TFG to your interested buyers, the above services are in fact provided at no cost to you, and throughout the process we will act as your single point of contact, thereby avoiding you having to go through the exact same process each time over, with every different buyer or their advisors. We also act as escrow agents on deposits and completion monies where useful for your process. |
The Fractional Guides CertificateIn addition, in preparation of the sales process, we will analyse and screen your proposal, and provide you with feedback based on our unique relevant experience, which can only strengthen your offer, potentially even by adding a “The Fractional Guides Certificate”, which confirms to buyers that your offer of fractional ownership is properly and ethically structured .
If you have just finished building or refurbishing your property and are thinking about how to get the right legal structure and sales process, we can guide you on these points too. We can advise you on the ways of setting up a company specifically designed for co-ownership and all that entails. |
We are very happy to discuss the various options at your disposal. We are and remain independent advisors and strive to ensure the whole process is properly and efficiently conducted for all parties involved.
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